The Biker's guide to Interior Design

The thrill of moving in the opposite direction of the wind, inhaling every minute little stench or fragrance, feeling that adrenaline rushing through your blood and transcending from your body to the framework of the bike, the sheer experience of riding a majestic beast like that is what keeps the rider within you alive. Being able to ride a bike is not that hard of a task, being able to ride it in harmony to the conditions of the road is the task one should be wary of. You can never 'relax' when you're riding; your hands are handling the brakes and the clutches while your legs and feet are switching between gears up and down. It's the synchronization of movement, the rhythm of traveling and the excitement of life is what makes an ordinary man into a rider. When you are traveling by two wheelers, your senses are already heightened to begin with. Part of this is because you are traveling faster than a bicycle, so the smells change more frequently. Part of it is the fact that you have a large volume of air rushing by, so there are more molecules for your nose to pick up. For the same reason, you can pick any climatic changes in your immediate proximity. If you go from a patch near a river or a water body, you'd experience a mild decrease in the temperature and you'd experience the same change going on to the hotter side of the Celsius chart when you're traveling on an open road on a sunny day without the traffic. Riding a motorcycle is a task that tires you out sometimes and it becomes a necessity to relax and unwind from the exhaustion of the ride. Here are a few things that would help you choose some elements, as a biker, to decide what you'd like to put in your space to help yourself with calming down: 

  • Beds with back cushioning and ottomans

When you're on the road, you are constantly engaged in the journey. Your hands are handling the clutches and the break while your feet are trying to stride past the gear settings according to the road conditions. It becomes a necessity to inculcate every sense of your being into becoming aware of your surroundings. While you travel, you also develop a keen understanding of the vehicle traveling ahead of you. The rider in you would anticipate every move the other person might make (not applicable on the people who give the indicator for left and turn right, seriously, who hurt you that bad!) It makes a lot more logical sense to take a well rested day off before you set off on a journey from your current surroundings to your destination. In such times, you need to relax in a laid back bed, with back cushions. Relaxing just doesn't mean sleeping it off, but it also counts the possibility of sitting in your bed, with your coffee and watching something you like. The need for an ottoman can also be justified with the need to catch a quick seat before leaving. Imagine you get ready with your gear on and you need to sit down for a second to check on your friend who is canceling at the last minute (THERE'S ALWAYS ONE). You can easily sit at the foot of your bed but it'll signal your brain to slack off and make you a little loose on the senses. This is where the Ottoman comes in handy; you sit on it and when you're good to leave, you just pick up your keys and off you go. 

  • Showcases and side tables 

A journey is not just about traveling from one point to another. It's about breaking free from the monotony of regular day to day life and experiencing the wonders of the world in a first hand experience. When you go to a place, you absorb everything it has to offer, the vibe, the colors, the view, the journey, everything. This absorption gives birth to memories of the place, a thing to remember it by. It takes you back to the day that you were there and puts a smile on your face. A souvenir from a particular place has the qualities to transport you back to it. It can be absolutely anything, a show piece, a book, a picture, a handicraft or something as basic as a rock, a collection of seeds or an empty bottle. All these memories and souvenirs deserve to be kept in a well designed set of shelves and racks with strategically placed lights to highlight them. A good showcase is not just a piece of furniture, it's your own personal time machine. It takes you back to the same place you got the thing from. Side tables act as an accessory to the piece of furniture next to it. A good side table provides for the subtle hints that accentuate the overall aesthetic-visual value of the room.  

  • T.V. Cabinets 

Just as we discussed previously, relaxing or letting your guard down does not necessarily mean sleeping in your bed and not doing anything else. Just as the idea of a journey is different to everybody else, the idea of relaxing can be different from person to person. Some People could count sleeping as a relaxing experience while somebody else could count something completely opposite as a relaxing experience: going to the gym, watching a film or just talking to a friend. When it comes to watching something on television in the comfort of your house it becomes a necessity to watch it in style and give it the respect it deserves. Having a good TV cabinet can not only help you place your TV and multiple set top boxes in a strategic management process of a storage solution for the stuff that you would not be able to accommodate in your wardrobes or showcases alike. You can easily sit on your bed, switch on the television and relax for a bit before going on another journey to the next wonder destination you would want to visit. (You can also find a lot of good recommendations from YouTube and decide on the next trip. The variety of videos talk about the time taken, budget of the entire trip and the smartest way of commuting) 

  • Carpets 

From the heat of the rose you are bound to get more exhausted when you come back from a journey. Your feet deserve to be pampered and taken care of when you come back home. When buying a carpet there are a few characteristics of specificity that you should consider before making a choice: first characteristic to be identified is the type of fiber that has been used in the making of a specific carpet. They can be natural or synthetic made and may not suit all skin types in different atmospheric conditions. You certainly don’t want rashes under your feet which will ironically defeat the main purpose of having a carpet in the first place. The second thing that is to be taken into consideration is how they have been piled together. Thailand is the process where the loops of the fiber (natural or synthetic) are attached and women together at the back of the carpet. A strongly woven pile of strands would turn out to be a durable carpet than a loosely woven collection of strands.

  • Darker wallpapers and full length mirrors  

This specific point is in accordance with the size of the room that you are living in currently. Wallpapers with darker tones tend to make bigger spaces look smaller. If your room is smaller in dimensions, it would be a wiser decision to go with lighter tones on the walls as it allows more light to enter the room and make it appear bigger than it is. Full body mirrors serve a number of design and logistical purposes. A simple décor technique that makes a room feel bigger, adding full body mirrors to your room also lends a little ease to your morning routine—after all, there's nothing better than an unobstructed view of your day's ensemble. You can quickly check yourself out and go onto a new journey, onto better places and better experiences!onto new adventures. 


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